.. _install_pycharm: Installation via PyCharm ======================== The installation process is tested on three x86_64 platforms: * Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) * Mac OS (High Sierra 10.13.6) * Windows 10 Prerequisites ------------- The following software should be installed: * `Git `_: for installing SPM, Psychtoolbox and OpenNFT * PyCharm `Professional or Community `_ * MATLAB x86_64 R2017b or above - Image Processing Toolbox - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox - `SPM12 `_ - `Psychtoolbox 3 `_ - `JSONlab `_ - `prepNFB `_ (optional) * `Python `_ x86_64 3.6.0-3.8.6 .. note:: The minimum system requirements for OpenNFT are 8 GB RAM, i5 CPU with 2 or 4 free cores for two modes of the software using 3 or 4 Matlab processes, respectively, which needs to be compromised with the neurofeedback study design complexity, computational demands and the repetition time of the data acquisition. The recommended system configuration is 16 GB RAM and i7 CPU with 4 free cores. The maximum number of Matlab processes is defined by the end-user and is limited by the local workstation capabilities. Install OpenNFT --------------- Create Project by cloning from GitHub repository ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_1.png Link to the main repository, .. code-block:: https://github.com/OpenNFT/OpenNFT.git or, if you plan to contribute to the project, create the fork repository and use your own link: .. code-block:: https://github.com/your_github_name/OpenNFT.git .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_2.png Create and Activate Virtual Environment ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To create the virtual environment, go to File -> Settings -> Project Interpreter .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_3.png Set the new virtual environment location and choose the interpreter: .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_4.png To activate virtual environment, close (click cross near Local) and re-open (click Terminal button) Terminal window. .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_5.png Install from Project Directory ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. rubric:: Default installation MATLAB will be found automatically .. code-block:: pip install -U pip setuptools wheel pip install -e . .. rubric:: Customized installation If there are several MATLAB versions, you have to install requirements and specify the MATLAB root directory during OpenNFT installation. .. code-block:: pip install -U pip setuptools wheel pip install -U -r requirements.txt pip install --install-option "--matlab-root=" -e . Check Installation ------------------ Check the installation: :ref:`check_installation` .. _run_application_pycharm: Run Application from PyCharm ---------------------------- Create Run Configuration to run OpenNFT: .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_6.png .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_7.png Specify the Module name as "opennft" (NOT Script path) and Project interpreter according to the created Virtual Environment: .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_8.png To create the configuration, the checkbox ``Store as project file`` may be required: :ref:`possible_error`. Press the ``Run`` button, .. image:: _static/pycharminstall_9.png or run the command in the Terminal: .. code-block:: opennft