.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== Depending on your project needs, you can disable the following procedures in ``config.py``: * desktop mode for Matlab sessions, disabled by default (MAIN_MATLAB_STARTUP_OPTIONS, etc. flags) * real-time quality assessment (USE_RTQA flag) * incremental GLM (USE_IGLM flag) * region of interest visualization (USE_ROI flag) * Matlab helper session for DCM feedback type, disabled by default (USE_MATLAB_MODEL_HELPER flag) Initialize and/or Run Matlab Sessions ------------------------------------- There are two ways to run the required MATLAB sessions: 1. By pressing the ``Initialize`` button after running the application via the command :ref:`run_application` or from PyCharm :ref:`run_application_pycharm`. .. image:: _static/quickstart_1.png 2. from a Terminal before starting OpenNFT and pressing the ``Initialize`` button: .. code-block:: run_matlab This mode of shared Matlab sessions allows re-using them after closing and re-starting OpenNFT, which is of benefit for software developments and debugging. .. note:: If Matlab sessions are started separately, by pressing the ``Initialize`` button, OpenNFT acknowledges them automatically. Setup ------------------ After the Initialization you can choose the Configuration file (\*.ini) of the Experiment. This file contains editable parameters, which you need to justify before pressing the ``Setup`` button. .. image:: _static/quickstart_2.png .. _releases: https://github.com/OpenNFT/OpenNFT_Demo/releases .. _tutorials: https://github.com/OpenNFT/OpenNFT_VideoTutorials/releases .. note:: Configuration files (*.ini) and Experimental protocols (*.json) can be found in /opennft/configs/. Demo data can be found releases_. Video Tutorials can be found tutorials_. Although Video tutorials were made for an initial upload in 2017 and have somewhat different GUI, the general rationale is preserved (updates are pending). .. note:: If you run OpenNFT in offline mode - enable ``Offline mode`` More about testing OpenNFT on different data is on :ref:`testing` page. If the ``rtQA`` mode button is enabled, you can check available quality assessment modes and parameters during data acquisitions. .. image:: _static/quickstart_3.png Run --------------- Pressing ``Start`` either start data processing in ``Offline mode``, or waits for fMRI data export from the Scanner otherwise. See tutorials_. During data acquisitions you can change: * View Modes: mosaic, triplanar anatomy, triplanar EPI * Opacity threshold * Positive and negative statistical maps (not yet available in rtQA mode) and their thresholds .. image:: _static/quickstart_4.png Stop and Exit -------------------------- To stop scanning process press ``Stop`` button. All data will be saved to /Your/Data/Path/NF_Data_1 After exit, all MATLAB sessions will be terminated if they were cd .. not initialized using the ``run_matlab`` command. Otherwise, use 'Crtl+C' in the Terminal to stop them.